RTLS RFID – Locating Assets or Equipment in Real-Time

RTLS RFID – Locating Assets or Equipment in Real-Time

Sometimes all you need to know is “where is it?” Locating that asset or equipment for whatever reason can be a long and laborious task.  Even just counting those assets can be a thorny process without some automation.  But with Silent Partner Technologies (SPT) RTLS RFID solution all these issues just disappear.

Automation at its finest!

With a push of one button on a PC and the RFID application is taking an inventory of all your assets all over the world, in hundreds of geographical locations. Instantly, the asset database is being RTLS Locates Assetsupdated with “new location” information. As assets and/or inventory items move from location to location they are updated.

How we do it

All of these functions are performed with the SPT RFID RTLS solution at reasonable costs. Other technologies that can cost in the hundreds of thousands (sometimes even millions of dollars).  For installations that want to complement and/or have needs to track less expensive assets. You can use the same SPT database with short range RFID PDAs (or short range RFID portals). The handheld devices can read standard barcode, and/or short range passive RFID tags.

The Technology

Because the solution is a web based asset tracking application (Saas), it’s easy to implement and requires very little IT support.   The system is made up of three components: the SPT RFID readers , RFID portals, the SPT RFID application.  As assets/inventory items pass by RFID portals/exciters. Throughout all of clients locations, the database is updated with move and new location information.